After weeks of hard work, I am very excited to officially announce the launch of my new website. If you can’t remember the old website see the before and after images.

After weeks of hard work, I am very excited to officially announce the launch of my new website. If you can’t remember the old website see the before and after images.
Technical and musical education must take place simultaneously if a musician is to emerge from the training. This seems to be only common sense. But the opinion that technique must be built up first before one can make music is still fairly widespread among guitarists.
From today’s perspective it is hard to imagine of the earlier days of the 20th century when at least in the English speaking world, the guitar was largely considered to be a folk instrument, not a proper instrument like the violin or piano.
During the past few years there has been a favourable increase in the number of ensemble activities for guitarists, students and professionals. The guitar ensemble whether it be a duo, quartet or larger body is now an established fact and can provide the player with an opportunity to improve themselves not only as a guitarist but more importantly as a musician.
My unsteady first steps towards a classical guitar family were galvanized by an invitation in 1980 to accompany the even then impressive singer/song writer Eric Bogie (OA)* at a special concert in the Sydney Opera House.